
Friday, March 24, 2006

Minimalist vs. Traditional Churches

This post at The Cafeteria is Closed pretty much sums up my opinion on this. I may have to make this blog the first permanant link in the sidebar! I'm going to try to update this more consistently, as well as broaden the scope of things Catholic covered here. Also may re-route a couple of my other domains to this location, or possibly start a few new blogs to exclusively cover the breaching of orthodoxy within the church, and keep this one vanilla for mass reviews. Gah. So many blogs, so little time.

Friday, March 17, 2006


This is the first test post on the MassReviews.Org blog. This blog will be used to critique direction of the sacred liturgy by specific priests and parishes. Commitment to the Church leadership and orthodoxy will be the standard. The major purpose this serves is to help individuals find the Catholic church that best suits their style of worship.